It was the first day of Kindergarten for Maggie, my third child. A number of my friends were heading out to lunch to celebrate their youngest starting school. You know, to celebrate all the free time they were about to have. I had an errand to run with my 3 year old but then was going to meet them and live vicariously as they chatted about this new fancy free life they were embarking on.
The errand I had to run? An ultrasound. An ultrasound that revealed not only was I pregnant with one baby, but two. So yes, you are doing the math correctly. I was about to have 6 children. I left the appointment, strapped Lilly, my 3 year old in the car seat and proceeded to lunch with my friends. I remember eating a caesar salad and Lilly throwing chicken nuggets on the floor while my friends were toasting their new freedom with champagne. I think it was then I blacked out. When I woke up , I was in my forties.

We as women spend the majority of our thirties and early forties deep in the trenches of careers, motherhood, marriage — all the things. Our to do list? We are on the bottom. Looking stylish and feeling confident in what we wear? It was a win to walk out of the house without baby puke on our clothes. A double win if we showered that day.
Just as it seems we will never emerge from that season, the fog clears. We take a look in the mirror and might see a couple more wrinkles then we remembered, a couple more pounds then we prefer but we see someone that deserves to be on the top of her own to do list.

My mission by launching Sixpak of Style is to empower women over 40 to put themselves on the top of their “to do” list. I help women do as I have..rediscover style and confidence. I give women the tools to dress their 40 plus body to flatter their shape, redefine their unique style and instill confidence as we enter a new season in our lives.

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xoxo, Anne